Sample Job Offer Letter –
Sealing The Deal

Sample job offer letter – seal the deal and get your prospective employee to sign on the dotted line.

You have short listed potential candidates, reviewed their cover letters, considered their character reference letters and interviewed them.

You have identified a candidate that will suit your company’s needs – professionally and socially.

Seal the deal and retain quality staff with a professional and credible corporate letter of employment.

Sample Job Offer Letter


[Name of Your Company]

[Street address]



[Zip Code]


[Recipient’s Address Below]

[Street address]



[Zip Code]


Dear [insert candidate’s name],


It gives me great pleasure to take this opportunity to formally offer you the position of [insert details of position] at [insert place of employment].

Your resume was comprehensive and the resultant interview between yourself and our company’s representatives was extremely positive and successful.

During your interview you were able to attest to, and confirm your practical experience in the field of [insert details here], your theoretical knowledge in the same industry, as well as your willingness to accept new challenges and to seek out innovative problem solving solutions to obstacles.

We would furthermore like to acknowledge that we value your positive approach and proposed commitment to our company.

The position offered is effective from [insert date].

You are welcome to collect a copy of your contract for your consideration and acceptance thereof, duly indicated by your accompanying signature, and to return the signed contract to our offices by no later than [insert date here].

Please feel free to contact me as referenced below should you have any queries or concerns that may require further clarification.

We look forward to seeing you on the [insert day and date of commencement] where you should please report to [insert name and place] for an orientation and general introduction.

Congratulations once again on your offer of employment at our company – we are confident that that we will build a solid, productive and happy working relationship in the years to come.


Yours sincerely,


Name and Designation

Email address

Mobile number

You may have received a thank you letter after an interview from the prospective employee.  Add it to your employment letters and letter of recommendation samples and build a portfolio of employment related documents for future use.

Return From Sample Job Offer Letter To Words Of Wisdom

Return From Sample Job Offer Letter To Cover Letter For Resume