Friendship graduation poems - what a wonderful graduation gift to accompany your graduation flowers!
A special friend ... amazing memories shared ... so congratulate them in style - simply, eloquently and sincerely.
Your words of wisdom - encouraging, motivating - possibly great leadership ideals for graduation banners.
So, send out the graduation invites, choose a great graduation song ... it's time to celebrate.
What an amazing friend you have always been,
Kind, supportive, steadfast and caring.
[Insert name],
Today is a time for celebrating ...
As we honor your magical milestone,
May we take the time to say ...
You rose to the challenge and surmounted it,
You acknowledged the commitment and purposefully worked towards it,
You forged ever forward, focused and goal directed.
As you face a new crossroads in your life,
Know always that you have been a role model to many,
An enduring and humbling confidant.
[Insert name],
Yours is a compelling example,
One that we admire,
One that we congratulate you on,
And one that will ensure you every success and happiness
in the years that lie ahead.
Believe, know, endure and achieve - it's right within your grasp!
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