Free Best Man Toasts -
Best Man Duties Made Easy

Free best man toasts - your avenue to performing your best man duties effortlessly. One of your best man duties will be to propose bestman wedding toasts to the bridesmaid and the parents of the bride and groom.

free best man toasts

Effective best man toasts must be well prepared and definitive. Be mindful of rambling on with no purpose.

You need to give the guests direction:

  • when to charge their glasses
  • when to stand
  • when to raise their glasses

So, prepare thoroughly and end off on a high note! You may want to use the free best man speeches together with the toasts below for a complete package - written in verse [a great way to get away with reading your speech]?


Well, Ladies and Gentlemen

Now that I have got this "verse thing" flowing

I think I'll just keep going.


I am sure that you'll agree with me

When I say that [insert names of bridesmaids] are beautiful to see

Ladies -  you certainly look quite lovely

 So it is an honor to stand and raise our glasses of bubbly....


To [insert name of bridesmaids] you have done us all proud

Such stunning bridesmaids are not easily found!


To [insert name of bridesmaids]!

Lead by example - raise your glass in the direction of the bridesmaids, take a sip,

wait for the guests to respond to the toast and then lead the clapping to acknowledge the bridesmaids.

Best man toasts should also include a toast to the parents. Keep it short and sweet. The guests need to celebrate the bride and groom's wedding day - not listen to unduly long speeches.

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