Define Worthy – Within, Always, Irrefutable

Define worthy … at times the concept of being worthy seems so intangible and difficult to define. But perhaps not?

Perhaps it is a lot simpler. Perhaps it’s not a checklist. Perhaps it just is.

Define Worthy

It’s hard to define worthiness. Too often in life it’s hard to feel worthy.

Life knocks and you bend. You sway and you fall. Foundation rocking obstacles give breathe to whispers of insecurity. Whispering doubts of worthiness take form, subconscious, stealthy and enveloping.

Worthy? Promotion presented to another. Worthy? Love untangled, unravelling and rebinding with another heart. Worthy? Hours of caffeine induced concentration, laid waste to a “failed” posting on a notice board.

And then there are those moments.

A gold medal draped over rounded, impossibly proud shoulders. Shoulders sore and upright, welcoming pounding thumps of congratulations as you walk by. And the big corner office; flower perfumed and cappuccino brewing celebrations of promotion.

And still a comforting sense of worthiness eludes you - hidden, waiting deep within you for permission from you to be worthy.

Because you are. We all are.

Not because we failed. Not because we succeeded. But just because we are!

It’s that intrinsic; deep-down-within-your-very-being belief - the undeniable conviction that you are worthy.

Medals bestowed, accolades received, wealth accumulated maximizes worthiness? Winds of disappointment and failure, bending you, swaying you and even toppling you -  minimizing worthiness?

The answer is within, has always been, will always be.

Dig deep, delve, seize the unquestionable and unalienable gift that is yours. You are worthy.

Life’s winds may bend you; sway you, bring you to a bended knee.


But worthiness … back straightening.

Worthiness … hamstring contracting.

Worthiness … upright coaxing ….


Worthiness will see   feet once again firmly planted, hearts open to unfathomable possibility and courage to march on – forward.

Want to feel worthy - you know what to do! Dare to believe in yourself.

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